A page that is far from complete and will be added too as time permits. March 2023
Below is another real old one, ‘Single Bar Coach Wrench‘ #093 that is seen in the 1861/2 Catalogue. 6″-18″. These lengths endured for the whole date range of production. In 1921 the #093 is not listed in favour of an ‘Improved Steel Bar Coach Wrench’ with a single bar #091, but for some reason this product failed the test of time and #093 re-appears in 1928 but re-numbered to #3413 . It does not appear to be listed in 1938 or later.
The 1909 image, above, also shows the Double Bar Wrench
The Adjustable wrench below is listed [first that I can see] in 1888 as a ‘Gem’ Bicycle wrench #1180A I think that it was introduced even before that time as my example shows the single Shamrock emblem which should have ceased being used after 1875!!
It is hard to decide exactly which wrench is which given that the 1897 catalogue shows this:
In 1909 the ‘Gem’ Bicycle wrench is listed as #3450 at 10/-/doz and Malleable iron.
Nothing is listed in the 1921 Catalogue [post war], but #3419 ‘King Dick‘ Cycle wrench is found in the 1928 Catalogue:
and in 1938:
This wrench is still to be found in 1959 in the same sizes but does not appear in the 1965 Catalogue. The last listing I can find is in the Price List of April 1962, but not in PL March 1964. It was therefore dropped from the line around 1963, just about when C&J Hampton took over the reins of MARPLES and cut so many of the items from production. Goodbye Quality.