The vast majority of Vices produced by MARPLES were skewed towards metal work with just a few woodwork oriented products being manufactured in later years.
First seen in the 1873 Catalogue and continuing through to the 1900s are many superb, heavy duty vices [too many to detail here], so I have simply posted the Vices by catalogue year. It is rare that any of these old vices will be found today as they would each have had a hard life!! I will try to go into more detail about the available models from 1938 onwards.
[For COOPERS’ Vices please go to the Coopers’ Tools section.]
1897 Catalogue:
1909 Catalogue:
1921 Catalogue:
1928 Catalogue:
1938 Catalogue:
Around 1940 a small booklet was issued that contained some details of Vices that were then available:
Thanks to Mr. Hilter we must then jump to the next full catalogue of 1959 for details of the vices then offered:
Once RECORD TOOLS took over Marples the range was drastically reduced such that by 1965 only this entry is shown:
So the [Lancashire] Hand Vice was the longest produced vice since it appears in 1873 and until its’ demise in c.12/1969
The following information tells you when the remaining vices shown in the 1959 Catalogue were delisted:
Vices delisted around Dec/ 1962: #4970
Vices delisted around Dec/ 1963: #4426; 4659; 4660; 4671; 4678; 4681;
4682; 4684; 4696.
Vices delisted around Dec/1964: #4673; 4674; 4675; 4676; 4677.
Vices delisted around Dec/1969: #6275
The old vice shown here started out as #1937 in 1897 but the number changed to #4672 in 1909 and remained so until the last appearance in 1938. It started as being available as numbers 1; 2 and 3 but by 1909 a larger series was for sale…… 00; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 and 6, but #6 was not shown in 1938. It was described as an ‘Eclipse‘ vice and was listed under ‘Amateurs’ Parallel Vices‘.
Due to the nature of the product it is rare to find any good examples of any vice before 1930 as they were all subjected to a hard life. So most of the examples that I can show here are of more modern vices.
You can see that the Photo above [right] is of an older version having the trefoil cast in.
And the 2 photos above show an even older version with Reg.#717731
I am still working on identifying this woodworkers’ Vice:
The wooden Vice below [#62] is shown in catalogues 1988 to October 1990 and is described as a ‘Tail Vice’.
Another vice is #61 and is described as a ‘Wooden Vice with double screws’. It too only appears briefly in 1988 to October 1990:
This file is not finished yet………….obviously…