Scrapers (Handled)

These wood scrapers encompassed 4 varieties. The M79 Box Scraper was used to scrape stencil marks or paper labels off the sides of packing cases [when items were shipped in square wooden boxes, such as Apples etc.]. The M80 Woodworkers’ Cabinet scraper was used to put a fine finish on a quality article. The Scrapers numbered #1890 [Double blade pattern and #1893 Single blade pattern] were inexpensive general scrapers unsuitable for fine work.

M80 Cabinet Scraper:

 The M80 Cabinet Scraper was made from Cast Iron and had raised handles, a reversible 2.3/4″ blade and was 11″ long. It is first listed in the March 1936 Pocket Catalogue and is last shown in the March 1940 Pocket Catalogue and always for sale at 4/6d. I can find no reference to indicate that this item was continued after the War and therefore these are always to be found with a Black painted base, if you can even find one!

This is the only image used in the catalogues.


Box Scraper M70:

The M70 was designed to remove the paper labels that were affixed to the sides of wooden crates that were generally used to transport fruit and vegetables. [So the idea of re-cycling of articles was in evidence way before the 1990s!]   The tool is first seen in the March 1936 Pocket catalogue.

It was continued until March 1964, but does not appear in the Catalogue #15 of 1965. It was introduced at 4/- each and went to 15/6d each by 1964. I do not know whether it was continued in production throughout the War years, but it is listed in March 1940 and November 1951.  We must suppose that pre-war issues were painted Black and post-war (1945<) issues were painted Red. The 2 examples that I have are both pre-war and show different blade markings according to age. The older issue has a larger thumb turn-screw than the later example, which displays the central ‘Diamond’ pattern. {see below}

2 Pre-War Box scrapers..different years….later is above.
The earlier issue is on the left.
The later blade marking [rounded corners] along with the ‘Diamond’ pattern Thumb-screw.
The earlier blade mark [square corners] with the larger Thumb-screw.
The slightly convex bottom base.
The blade support ‘wings’.
The scraper below is, I think, the earliest issue having a black base, red cap and painted handle with transfer:

#1890 and 1893 Scrapers:

Both of these general scrapers were introduced in March 1937 and were last seen in March 1940, obviously being dropped out of manufacture during WWII and never re-introduced after the war.  The wood handle was of beech and coated with a Mahogany stain/varnish. The double bladed #1890 had a transfer on one side and a stamped MARPLES mark on the the reverse side.
The single bladed #1893 was probably similarly marked.