Garden Tools

Presently under Construction  March 2023

Below you will find Item #8366 in the 1959 Catalogue described as ‘ Best Solid Steel Pruning Shears, Double Cut with Wirecutter.  Available as 6,7 & 8″ sizes.  Around this time  MARPLES seemed to have adopted a preference for ‘Green’.  Research has shown that these pruners may have been available back in 1909 or before as Item#8356 in 6,7,8&9″ models. They are not listed in 1921 but re-appear in 1928 as      6-9″,  but there is a ‘Cheaper Quality’ shown [#8367] which had ‘rivetted Blades’ in 7 or 8 inch sizes.  This option is again shown in 1938.  But in 1959 only the ‘best’ is shown #8366.

A recent find of which I have no information just now…a Garden Spray tool: