This page is complete as to March 2023, but more engravings may be found
Above is an Old copper engraved advertisement. Apparently these engravings were copied many times to keep up with the wear that they received during the printing process. Therefore any one engraving will not necessarily be the ‘original’ engraving. As to how these detailed engravings were actually reproduced accurately 100 years ago is a mystery. Below is the engraving used to print a ‘Gentlemen’s Registered Tool Cabinet‘, and the same cut is shown 1897-1928. [In 1897 the item# is 918…I have no information before this time as the present ‘Directors’ of the Hawley Museum in Sheffield seems to refuse to help me in my quest for copies of earlier catalogue images, which they possess.]
I have secured FOUR copper plate engravings that MARPLES used in their Catalogues, as shown here:
1897 Engineer’s Solid Steel Hammer No.8
The above Copper Plate is from the 1928 Catalogue.
1897. #1994A Handled Joiners’ Hammer
1897. #1990 Handled Exeter Hammer.[left]
Below here are some more Copper Engraving printers Blocks, one is of a Splitproof B/E chisel [#373] and the other a ‘BB‘plane.