These planes are first found in the 1862 Catalogue when they were not given item numbers:
The following is from the 1873 Catalogue with the newly instituted Item numbers:
1897 sees a change in the item numbers:
1909 also has another change in the item numbers:
In the 1921, 1928 and 1938 Catalogues only the #3001 and #3002 planes are listed [1928 Cat listing shown below]:
The October 1959 Catalogue is the last time these 2 planes are shown, still at 5/8″-1″ with the 1/8″ increments available extra. But the December 1959 Price List shows that the 3001 cost was 22/6d to 5/8″ and then 1/6d for each 1/8″ increment above that. The #3002 to 5/8″ was 25/- with the same incremental price structure.
As with most of the other Shamrock Wooden Planes, this plane is not listed in the March 1964 Price List and therefore may well have been unavailable after 1963.