Basketmakers’ Tools

This specialised group of tools was first introduced by MARPLES in the 1928 Catalogue, but was probably available slightly before that time. They seem to have survived the incursion of Mr.Hilter into civilised life and appear for the last time in 1959All of these tools were available until the end of 1963, all except Item #3687 [Shears], which were de-listed c.1960.




At the moment the only physical example I have of any of these tools is a Basketmakers’ Shave:

You may note that MARPLES employed the same drawing of this item in all the catalogues despite the attachment of the hinged plate being moved from a screwed into end grain position to being screwed into a cross grain position as shown in my example. [date not known]
Also, I am unsure as to whether the adjusting screw on my plane is original, as there seems to be no reason to have such a large diameter hole surrounding it.